Kiwanis Housing

The Chilliwack Kiwanis Housing is located at 7760 Luckakuck Place in Chilliwack.
There are 34 units in the complex: 31 two (or three) bedroom family townhouse units and 3 four bedroom units.

Rents are geared to income and can be subsidized by BC Housing. Tenants must go through an application process and are selected based on need.
Tenants pay 30% of their average gross monthly income in rent.
BC Housing makes up the difference between what the tenant pays and what the rent is set at, by subsidy.

Kiwanis Place is managed by:
Chilliwack Kiwanis Housing Society,
#35 – 7760 Luckakuck Place, Chilliwack, BC
V2R 3C8.
Telephone: 604-858-9198

Office Hours: Monday to Friday 10am-12pm
